Question Dissection

Note that you don't need to know what the right answer is. It is easier to disprove the other answers.

Front, back, left and right.

Knowledge of what heart chamber is most anterior, posterior, left or right is clinically useful. A stab wound to the anterior chest wall is likely to hit the right ventricle. Left atrial enlargement can cause dysphagia due to its posterior location.

This is how I remember the locations of the chambers.

The most anterior chamber is the RIGHT VENTRICLE. To get the most posterior chamber, take the opposite of RIGHT and VENTRICLE. You get LEFT and ATRIA.

The rightmost chamber is the RIGHT ATRIA, which makes the LEFT VENTRICLE, the leftmost chamber.

Big Mac for MAC

Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) is usually found in HIV+ patients with a CD4 count <50. Prophylaxis against MAC is a MACrolide (clarithromycin or azithromycin). These are used instead of the usual TB drugs to avoid creating drug-resistant TB.

Pathology Review from Pathguy

Pathology can be a daunting subject to approach. There are a lot of resources but here is a couple links to a really good pathology review. They are from

Meltdown: General path notes
Boildown: Systemic path notes